Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thursday 13 May 2010 Sully-sur-Loire

Thursday 13 May 2010 Sully-sur-Loire (rest day)

Castle in Sully

We woke up and even after our porridge we were still hungry so we rode into town.  We hadn't seen Sully..  so we were pleased that it was quite a nice little town with lots of shops and about four patisseries.  So with four patisseries to choose from we picked the one that had the queue coming out the door into the street.  We bought a baguette and  a couple of sweet things and after scoffing them we went back in to buy lunch and some more sweet things.  Ever since we arrived in France we had seen in the pattisseries the very fancy gateaus/cake/sweets so we decided today that we should try some.

We picked one each and took them home for after lunch.  Cycle touring is worth the effort just to be able to indulge in these treats that normally would be out of bounds to someone with my metabolism.

We called into the tourist information centre and were told that it was a public holiday at which we laughed to ourselves, “How many holidays do they get in France?”.  As we needed to do some food shopping, and not just yummies from the patisserie we thought we'd hit the Super U in the afternoon as they are always open, even on Sundays.

It was a very cold day and we didnt get out of our thermal underwear all day and after lunch we crept back into the tent to curl up in our sleeping bags to have a snooze.  All that food takes some digesting you know.

Groggily we arose out of our cocoon and readied ourselves to ride to the Super U which we were told was 'turn left at the roundabout and it's one km down the rode”.  It was exactly that and we arrived ready to buy our ingredients for tonight's meals and some supplies for the pantry only to find that it was closed.  No problem we go back to Sully and try the little corner store, no luck there either.  Ah well well have baguette with butter for dinner.  Not so bad as we'd eaten heaps today anyway.

The campground office opened at 5pm so in keeping with French culture we bought a bottle of wine to have with our baguette meal.  At least the wine was nice.

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