Saturday, September 25, 2010

Copperlode Dam

I knew it wouldn't be long and we'd be back on the bikes for more adventures albeit little ones.

When we first arrived in Cairns we both talked about riding up to Copperlode Dam/Lake Morris. The road is a narrow winding road up the mountain directly behind Cairns to which at the end you are met with Cairns's water supply.

So last night we talked about it almost seriously so when I woke up this morning at 5am (for some reason) I waited until 5:45 and woke Sandy who was keen to go......sort of.

We pumped up the tyres and oiled the chains of our trusty touring bikes and set off.

It wasn't long and we were both wet with sweat

but the views were amazing

It was a fantastic ride with stunning views and incredible that we have this about 3km from our house.  All up we rode 40km in 2h 50min with a total elevation gain of 810m.  Not bad for a lazy Saturday morning.

Cairns shrinking as we started the climb

The best part about this ride is that unlike most roads in and around Cairns that are always packed with cars hell bent on trying to kill you, we only saw a few vehicles.  There was this one lady in a 4WD that kept driving past up then stopping, we'd ride past then a few minutes later she go past and stop not far ahead.  We shrugged our shoulders and thought she was just weird but it turns out that she was the support vehicle for her husband/boyfriend/partner who was riding up.......soft.

We past quite a few cyclists on road bikes, MTBs and some plain old city bikes.  The one thing all these people shared was big smiles and a bit of huffing and puffing.  It really is a great ride.

At the top there is a kiosk/cafe so after 1:45 to get to the top we indulged in a croissant and then headed back.

We arrived back and as I type this Sandy is having a bit of a rest in bed :)