Sunday, March 28, 2010

Friday and Saturday 26/27 March 2010 Still lazing in London

Still playing non-cycling tourist in London.

It's official...."I love London".  There is a vibe going on here that I love.  The history combined with the hip, the super friendly people and the worlds yummiest bacon and eggs.  Actually Sandy and I had our first English Breakfast today and it was great.  We did that because my (what I thought was) hayfever, is actually a cold and Sandy has come down with it too.  We booked another night in the pub to rest up before we head off.

Anyway enough of the moaning, back to London.....

Visited the Tower of London yesterday and it was worth every cent penny.  I love history and to be standing in the very toilet that Henry VIII did his number two's was a very special moment for me.

Lots of other sites that I dont have the words to describe.  We have actually discovered that we dont need to see the big sites as just wandering around is's not like you have to go far to see and old building although the pub we are staying in is new as it was only built in 1761!!!.

Parliament Chapel at Westminster

One thing I might say if I can be bold is that we haven't had a descent cup of coffee yet.

The gardens are fabulous

Anyway, today we dont feel so great so we are going to do some laundry and take it easy.

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