Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Handlebar Mirror

While planning the big cycle tour we hear lots about the benefits of having a mirror on your bike so get a bit of warning of vehicle approaching from behind. Being the ex-roadie that would never think of putting a mirror on a bike because they are just too un-cool I scoffed.

Anyway we thought we better try one out so Sandy ordere one and I used it on the way to work this morning.....

Dont tell any of the guys on the Saturday group ride but I love it!!!!!! It took a bit of getting used to but by half and hour into my ride this morning I was glancing at it like I do when driving a car.

1 comment:

Gary and Sandy Perkins said...

Oh and you might notice the Rohloff shifter.....if your not riding a Rohloff equipped bike your being a fool to yourself and a burden to others.