Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Ortlieb Esky
My pannier had 12 beers and half a bag of ice, Sandy's two bottles of bubbly and the rest of the ice. We parked the bikes under the house, leaving the panniers on. There was still ice in them at the end of the night.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
My first loaded ride on the Thorn Raven
The action shot is of the Rohloff hub , it is a thing of beauty.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My commute
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
New cockpit
Handlebar Mirror
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The new bikes have arrived
From The Thorns |
Saturday, October 31, 2009
We need a bigger shed
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I'm alone
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sold our boat
We already own touring bikes, why do we need new ones?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
My MTB racing career is over
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tour de Timor: The First Day Is Over But Why Do I Feel Like This?
As I stood over the little hedge and vomited I was confused. I had ridden this far before, quite recently in fact. I had ridden in the heat. Why do I feel so sick? Another rider, I didn't know, came over to offer me water and asked if I needed anything. I tried to let him know I was alright in between wretches and thanked him for his water to at least rinse my mouth. I found a weird humour in that one of my main concerns was not that I was sick but I needed fluids and food to ride the next day. Deep down though I knew I was in a bit of trouble.
I think my mistake was made a few hours ago at the start of the race. Thousands of people lined the streets and it was easy to get caught up in the moment and, even if only in my mind, feel little of what Lance must feel. At one stage I saw up the road four blue jerseys that I thought I could latch on to so I dug a little deeper. When I caught them they turned out to be one of the UN teams, all very cut and tanned. It was right there that I had my chance to say ‘Easy, you cant ride with these guys, you’ll blow up’. Did I heed my advice….of course not, I sat on the wheel at 37kph and tried to find a rhythm. A few k’s down the road my legs told me I was doing the wrong thing so I dropped off.
Keeping me occupied was the need to avoid, jump, or ride through the countless potholes, no ‘pothole’ is not the right word, ‘missing pieces of road’ is more accurate. In a road race you spend your time either working on the front of a group in the wind or trying to avoid the wind by hiding behind someone’s wheel. This race was on the road but as there were so many hazards it was not the kind of terrain that allowed a rider to blindly follow a wheel. I was about eighth wheel and had no view ahead when I saw the lead rider ‘bunny hop’. Like a mexican wave the bunny hop approached me down the line of riders and all I could do was use the approaching wave to time my own hop to avoid the hazard that was not visible to me. As I lifted my wheels I saw the foot wide gap running the width of the road, I cleared it. That escape lifted my spirits even more as a crowd of children roared with delight at the manoeuvre.
Then not far from the start the first ‘hill’ appears. It’s a 300m vertical climb over about 5km and I ground my way to the top thinking ‘I may regret my choice of rear cassette’
After the ‘hill’ a catch another group and we ride really well together, calling out hazards “hole!!”….”big hole!!!”…….”goat!!!!!” etc. I am feeling great and during my turn on the front I am resting my elbows on the bars in time trail mode and feeling like I could ride like this all day. Wind forward four hours and I’m starting to feel some problems developing. The hills are starting to hurt and I’m thinking ‘I may regret my choice of rear cassette’. I stop at a stall and buy water and plug on. At about the 100km mark the real climb begins and I’m already knackered. This is a 500m (vertical) climb over 10km and it hurt alot. At one stage I just felt like it was a nice day for a walk. Actually I felt cramps in the calves coming on so I tried to stop them getting worse.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
My new mountain bike is here
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Tour de Timor
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tennent Creek Tour - The Outcome
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tennent Creek Barckly Agencies Tour
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It was back to Plan 'A', The Kuranda Range
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The cycle tour of Cairns and the Tablelands
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Turnbull Bay
The sail back in the morning was fabulous, a close reach in about 10 knots, if you know anything about sailing you know that that is a happy place in any boat but on a brand new $200K yacht it's not too shabby.
Sandy and I enjoying the conditions
Now I mentioned that there was a coastal wind warning due the next day so I knew what to expect when we hit Charles POint and came out of the lee of the land. Essentially the wind picked up to 20-25knots coming directly from Darwin (where we wanted to go). So the seas built and we had to bash our way on an offshore tack to get room to try and make Darwin on the next tack. Lots of fun and we reduced sail twice with spray coming over the whole boat as we pushed into the short but step swell.
Charles Point before the conditions got worse.
As we continued once we got on the close hauled point of sail, Zanibar, which is a race boat, took off and we couldnt keep up. We ended up rolling up the headsail completely and starting the motor so we could point a little higher as we all were very tired and didnt want to be getting back to Darwin in the dark.
A huge weekend and a great time was had by all!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Oh my Gawd, have you looked at the countdown
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Gary's new dynamo hub
Now I cant have Sandy having a dynamo hub and me not :) So I ordered a groovy Schmidt hub and spokes and I built the wheel myself.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Gary's first Inshore Skippers practical session
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
New Autopilot for the boat
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sandy's new flat bar tourer
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sandy's Beetles are finally finished
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Gary's new front racks have arrived.
My new Tubus Duo racks for the Cannondale are here and I fitted them last night.
Sandy ordered the rest of our Ortlieb panniers yesterday so we're nearly ready.....well the equipment is nearly ready.